Hey there! My name is Olha Melska

I am a Software Engineer



Problem-solving approach, coupled with strong verbal and written communication skills and professional work ethic


Developed web design skills - visualizations, mobile and web-based user interfaces for a delighted user experience


Good understanding of API and Integration concepts and technologies, such as JSON, XML, AXIOS

I am a Software Engineer, willing to step out of my comfort zone and keep pushing my limits to propose and develop innovative solutions for a better user experience. Passionate about technology and excited about facing programming challenges. Possesses a Computer Science background and fearless approach to new software platforms.

My experience is in delivering and maintaining code for consumer-facing applications across the full-stack (Node, Express, React, Redux). I use SCSS and React Styled Components to efficiently render props-based component styles that reflect dynamic application state without unnecessary CSS classes to improve the performance of the apps. I have experience working with relational (MySQL) and non-relational (MongoDB) databases. Also, I make sure the new code has unit tests coverage. I am experienced with analytics tools such as Heap and Adobe Analytics. Profficient with git version control (GitLab, GitHub).

My coding jorney began at Computer Academy STEP, which I attended for five years before studying Computer Science at Lviv National Polytechnic University. After finishing a Front End Web Development class at Flatiron School, I decided to embark on the Columbia Engineering Coding Bootcamp. Currently, I am working at Northwestern Mutual on the Investments team.

View my resume


"Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations".

Steve Jobs



React.js / MongoDB


The app finds you the most convenient location to meet, based on the shortest time to get to the middle point, using public transportation. MERN stack - MongoDB, Node.js and Express.js at the back-end. React.js and CSS at the front-end.

triangulate app

React Google Book Search

Full Stack application that lets you search for books, using Google Books API. You can save or delete books from MongoDB. Front-end written in React.js, using hooks instead of smart components.

React Google Book Search

Mamorize Art

Memory game written in React.js. Every time user clicks on an image, the score increments, then images get shuffled and rendered to the screen. When user clicks the same image twice – score resets and images take their initial state.

Art memory game



Full-stack app that models POS for restaurants where you can register a new restaurant, create a custom menu and tables (floor plan). Program allows to place, send, pay orders, and creates total sales report for the day.


Vogue News

A web app that lets users view and leave comments on the latest news, using Mongoose and Cheerio to scrape news from Vogue website. All the posts are stored in MongoDB and HTML pages are rendered with Handlebars

vogue news scrape


A burger logger with MySQL, Node.js, Express, Handlebars and Sequelize. Follows the MVC design pattern; uses Node and MySQL to query and route data in the app, and Handlebars to generate HTML.


Trivia Game

Movie trivia - 10 timed questions. SetTimeout() functions, JavaScript.

The Bapple List

Search engine for high rated spots in Manhattan, NYC. Yelp, NY Times and Weather API, paired with the use of Firebase

The project

Game Of Thrones

Strategy game - in order to win, you have to choose players, considering health points and attack power. Use of jQuery.


Have a question? Feel free to contact me. And I will get in touch with you shortly.

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